Saturday, August 4, 2012

20 seconds in the water

I felt a need to follow up from yesterday's post after today's, not Phelps winning another gold; although, that is an amazing accomplishment- 22 medals, 18 gold.

But that's not it.
Today was the annual Back to School Ski Day for the youth. I've only been twice. I wasn't planning on getting on a boat, much less in the water. I wasn't dressed to swim, but since my own kids were going tubing, I decided to ride along and watch them. We'd been out for a while, and stopped for the kids to take a break and just swim. As I sat near the edge of the boat, Jason (along with Danielle), gave me a push into the water. I was half expecting it, yet didn't really think they would do it, since I was fully clothed and not wearing a swimsuit.
I think I went in screaming at them. It felt like I was taking forever to come back up and I guess I panicked and got water in my nose or mouth and could not catch my breath as I came up. I was also worried about losing my contacts. Jason yelled "Are you ok?" and I shook my head no.
Thankfully, he jumped in to help me get back to the boat.
I can swim, although I don't very often. I always have to hold my nose whenever I do jump in- which is not very often at all! It was a scary moment; looking back I probably looked like an idiot, and felt like one too.

So, coming off of my blog last night, closing with the fact that it's time for me to get "out of the water", only to literally find myself in the water today, I thought some more about yesterday's thoughts.

What I learned today: 
We weren't made to spend our lives in the water.We don't have fins or gills. Our bodies are not capable of only functioning in the water. Sure, we may be able to float for a while, or tread water. We can enjoy swimming and water sports, but have to rest at some point. We certainly aren't made to breathe under water. If we try, we'd end up like me, choked, coughing and sputtering until someone jumps in to help us.

It further reminded me of my word from the Lord last night. We are not meant to sit around, focusing on the things of this world. We are told to "seek first the kingdom of God."  We are to be investing in what will last. 
One thing I'm reminded of that my father-in-law has said many times: "People matter to God." I need to spend more of my time investing in the lives of those around me, encouraging others, and being encouraged. I need to spend more time in prayer, in reading the Word, so I will know how to invest my time and talents wisely. I am praying the Lord daily reminds me of this. 
I wish I had a picture of me coming up out of the water- I could put it on my bathroom mirror. That would be an interesting reminder!

Sometimes we jump in on our own. Sometimes we are pushed in by those around us. But try to live there, and you'll find out very quickly that you can't. 

I'm feeling tired now. Must be from all that swimming I did today. Ha! 
Whether its 20 seconds, 20 minutes or 20 years of living in the "water," it has a way of wearing us down.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor. 4:18

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Jennifer, and I'm glad you are OK. My first thought was of another Olympian, Cullen Jones. I saw a little bio video on him and was so impressed. He fell in the water at age 5 (I think), and was pulled out unresponsive. After going to the hospital & surviving, his mother put him in swimming lessons within 2 weeks. He is now not only an Olympian, but he teaches children & adults how to swim so they won't experience the inability to do anything & the panic that he did (& still remembers).

    To me, spending time in the Word and just taking time to hear from the Lord is like swimming lessons to us. Then when we 'fall' in, or are 'pushed in the water', we have the 'skills' to survive. Sharing our testimonies of His faithfulness, like you are doing with your upcoming book, is like throwing out a lifeline to those struggling in the water. Our history, which is truly His story, can literally save someone else from drowning in their own circumstances...and then their testimony can help someone else :-)

    Have a beautiful day today~
