Saturday, August 27, 2011


It's the year of same days.....and now it feels like the same days are over-almost. I do recall 6 years ago, being 'home" after Pruitt's funeral, watching the news of hurricane Katrina. Now, the anniversary days are over for another year.
We had a very special privilege to speak at Longview on the anniversary of Pruitt's death. At the time we were asked, Jason's dad didn't realize it would fall on that same day. He gave us the opportunity to change the date, but we didn't. I'm glad. It was such an awesome opportunity to bless the Lord on such a day. All I can say is that His grace and peace was all over me and Jason. There is no way I could have gotten thru it without Him. I'll share here a few words from my part, although I have so much I can add to it- I may even write a book!
I related our story to children's games. ( I love analogies!! ) On the board game CANDYLAND, there are 3 out of 131 spaces that you would not want to land on. Well, in the "game" of LIFE, everybody usually lands on at least 1. That was the case for us, on April 1, 2005. Like JENGA, our world fell apart that day, learning that our baby would have a condition "not compatible with life." I remember specifically calling my best friend Wyndi, telling her I didn't know how I would do this, carry him knowing he would not live. It was then the game of SCRABBLE; I was given the letters OWH. I had spelled "HOW" but should have spelled "WHO." It would be the Who that would get us through. Then came 20 QUESTIONS. We had so many questions and not alot of answers. Next was a game of CHESS because we were trying to see three moves ahead in trying to make decisions. Then came a constant game of CHUTES AND LADDERS, after Pruitt was many ups and downs. After Pruitt died, I was constantly in a battle of TUG OF WAR with the enemy- this game went on for a while. Add to that MOTHER MAY I. Remember if you say "Mother, may I" you get to move ahead. If not, you have to go back to the start. I felt like I was constantly going 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. That one has gone on for several years.
This summer, I felt like I was playing FREEZE TAG. I'd been frozen on the inside for the past 6 years; frozen by bitterness and resentment. These verses hit me sometime in July, that "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.......If the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed!" And, almost just like that, He tagged me, and "unfroze" me.
This "game," which is so NOT a game, is like MONOPOLY. If you've ever played it, it seems like it will last forever. This too will be a part of me forever.........but I'm glad. I can honestly say I'm thankful God picked me to be in on this game even though I would have wished for a different game plan......and like Jason said, we don't know yet exactly how it will end, but we will win and won't be won't be a mystery where we don't have a CLUE.........the TROUBLE will be over...............instead there will be complete PERFECTION!!