Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In the Waiting

I've had two baths since June. Well, maybe three. 

We decided the week we were leaving for family vacation (in June) to tear out one of our bathrooms. I posted in July of how that was going, upon our return from Haiti. After school started, and life got in the way, I haven't had much time to blog. So I don't have updated pictures along the way, but tonight it looks like this:
Yes, that is a sheet hanging over the window. The blind didn't make it through the construction, or either it was broken already- I can't remember.
No, there's no shower curtain yet- still working on the shower.
No, there is no faucet. After the tile got put in, the pipe "got shorter." So, we still have to get that fixed.

However, it is bathe-able. :) So, I got a bath tonight!
As I was soaking it all in, I thought about this waiting process that has taken place the past 5 months. 
THANKFULLY, we do have another bathroom. It's in our bedroom, and has a shower, toilet and sink. For most of the past 5 months, all that was usable in the renovated bath was a sink. At least the kids could brush their teeth in there! 
But during this "waiting," I realized tonight lessons that could be learned. Not ones I really realized at the time- which is true of most life lessons. We learn after the fact.
I saw that I could be (and most of the time tried to be) thankful for what I did have, rather than did not have. I REALLY enjoy a hot bath! But especially having the Haiti trip in the midst of this renovation, I could choose to be grateful for having a bathroom at all.
In the times of waiting, I understand that it is very hard to be thankful for what we already have, when our heart is set on that which we long for. Trust me, I've been there. 

I also realized that because we were ALL only using our master bathroom, when laundry was done, the cabinet always had a full supply of towels. Normally, we split them between the two bathrooms. Having limited storage space, the cabinet would seem over-flowing.
In the waiting moments, God will give us an overflowing supply of just what we need from Him. Just as He did for the Israelites in the desert when He provided manna for EVERY day, He will also give us His sufficient grace for our every need. We just have to be aware of it.

Another thing that only occurred to me tonight was that I only had one bathroom to clean! You would think that one would have been obvious! Maybe it's due to the fact that I've hardly had the time or energy to clean, period! Either way, it possibly gave me a little bit of time to devote to something else. Ok, it could have done that, if I would have just taken advantage of it!!
When we are in the waiting, if we can turn our focus to other tasks or opportunities that God gives us, it can keep our minds off of that thing that, again, our heart is set on.

I know many are struggling in the waiting. I've heard testimony of those waiting for a baby or those waiting for jobs. I know what it is to wait for the pain to subside. I'm still waiting to hear from the publisher. I remember waiting for my "prince charming," thinking he didn't even exist at times and that I would end up being a Baptist nun! 
I hope I've not minimized any of those things for which your heart longs, while you find yourself in the waiting.
But while you are there, in that place that sometimes seems lonely and deserted, think on this:
If you can't read it, it says, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength..."
Isaiah 40:31

This hangs in our newly painted bathroom.
I've heard many sermons on this passage, and from what I remember, it is explained like this. While it is a time of waiting, it is also like one who "waits" on you at a restaurant. One who serves. So as you wait for whatever it is, wait upon the Lord. Find those places to serve. Find -and thank Him for- those things that He has blessed you with, in spite of that for which you wait. Seek those opportunities, that because you don't have that thing right now that you are waiting on, God has given you something to do while you wait. Something that you couldn't do otherwise, if you had that heart's desire right now.

And if He does bless you with it, it may come in a different form that what you thought. It may not be perfect (like my faucet right now!) But know that He will still make it work, and you can soak in His grace.
Grace that you now see was there.....
....in the waiting.